



politics 政治
election 選挙
vote 投票
politician 政治家
candidate 候補者
voter / elector 有権者
political power 政権
political party 政党
new party 新党
political realignment 政界再編
political donation 政治献金
a single party-government 単独政権
a coalition govoenment 連立政権
the ruling party / the party in power 与党
an opposition party 野党
House of Representatives 衆議院
House of Councillors 参議院
voting rate / voting percentage 投票率
early voting 期日前投票
vote counting 開票
election results 開票結果
up-to-the-minute returns 開票速報
election campaign 選挙運動
candidacy / candidature 立候補
election day 投票日
polling station 投票所
ballot box 投票箱
a campaign car 選挙カー
a campaign poster 選挙ポスター
the small-constituency system 小選挙区制
the medium-sized constituency system 中選挙区制
the proportional representation system 比例代表制
a ticketed candidate 公認候補
campaign promises 選挙公約
election violation 選挙違反
election obstruction 選挙妨害
vote buying 票の買収